BUT... I saw this picture on the right here on Apartment Therapy awhile ago, and vowed to do it when I need to decorate a wall. (And when my boyfriend isn't living with me, because I already checked--he doesn't approve.)
But doesn't it look cool?? Maybe in real life it would look hokey, I'm not sure yet... It's just fake flowers taped to a wall, but I love the color, the variety, and the three dimensionality of it.
If I ever do it I'll post pictures.
In recent news I really want to do a drive up the coast, and visit Washington and Oregon. I want to go to Seattle, and Portland, and Eugene, and all those cool Northwest areas. I think it would be fun. The picture on the right totally inspires me. The dampness, the mist, the water. It just seems so quiet. I want to go there.
I searched "Sydney" on weheartit and found this really cool picture though. Isn't that neat! I'll have to find that zoo-like place when I get there.
So excited.
Have a great day.
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