That lovely line from Alice has almost nothing to do with this post, but whenever I think of a random hodgepodge of things, I recall that line from that poem. I really want to read Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland. I've started it countless times but always get distracted. I have my dad's Annotated Alice which not only has the text but in the margins has commentary on the text which helps explains certain things that I don't understand because I'm not an 11 year old British girl in mid 1800's. I highly recommend it.
One of my necklaces was featured in this Treasury, which is super cute and themed around the number 3! Check it out. :) It'll only be up until Sunday, so that link will be dead soon, SORRY!
Yesterday I took a leaf out of supercoolspyclub guys book and made some cards out of cut paper. Mind you I had to go get my self a small X-Acto Knife and a board to cut on. (In hindsight, my plastic cutting boards from the kitchen probably would have worked fine. C'est la via!) They're pretty much amazing. I will post pictures when I'm officiously done with them.
And I've decided that I NEED these shoes from Nordstrom. I've been looking for men's shoes for women for months now, but they always end up looking like my old tap shoes. Not these

See that link about shoes and ships and sealing wax wasn't COMPLETELY off the wall. (For the record I always thought it was ceiling wax, that is until I looked it up.)
Sorry I haven't updated, for some reason Blogger wasn't working forever and then I realized that it was just in Firefox, so I'm using Chrome now, sans probleme! I probably just need to clear my cache or cookies or something. For another time.
I realized tonight there is a fine line between being well-read and being pretentious, and I hope never to cross into the pretentious-ness area. It's just not fun to be around.
I hope everyone is having a good weekend and is getting ready to say goodbye to January!