Zooey Deschanel

I've always liked Zooey Deschanel. She's pretty much the only thing I remember from Failure to Launch, she seriously stole the show. (Not that Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Mconahaugh {good lord how DO you spell that man's name???} put on much of a show.)
She plays a lot of instruments and records music with M. Ward, under the name She & Him, and she is married to Ben Freaking Gibbard! Oh yeah and she is in a jazz cabaret. Which is pretty much the coolest thing ever.
I still haven't seen (500) Days of Summer, which everyone keeps raving about, but she is adorable and a fabulous actress in everything else I've seen her in. (I highly recommend Tin Man, it's awesome.) She encapsulates the quirky, intelligent, beautiful, vintage-clad girl every girl on earth seems to want to be, including myself.